For an overall description of the year's organization, number of hours and ECTS, please refer to the overview page.

Internal information (restricted to students who are currently enrolled) is posted on the M2 EPI.


Track specific classes

PhD track


  • Frontiers in behavioral Economics (Spring), by Charlotte Saucet and Nicolas Jacquemet. Syllabus. Course Material.


Professional track



Mandatory courses

  • Economics and psychology research seminar, graded by Charlotte Saucet and Nicolas Jacquemet, organized by Charlotte Saucet and Leonardo Pejsachowicz. Schedule. Syllabus. Course material.
  • Applied microeconometrics (Fall), by Camille Hémet (tutorials: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Syllabus. Course material.


Optional courses

Students must choose 3 classes within the list.

  • Behavioral Industrial Organization (Spring), by Leonardo Pejsachowicz. Syllabus.
  • Data Science (Spring), by Bastien Blain, Clément Gorin and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Syllabus.

  • Neuroeconomics (Fall), by Stefano Palminteri and Mael Lebreton [number of seats limited]. Syllabus.

  • Personnel Psychology (Spring), by Justine Massu. Syllabus.

  • Creativity and Innovation (Spring), by Todd Lubart and Christophe Mouchiroud.
  • Spring class of the other track.
  • One optional class from the Cog Master, to be chosen in the following list (course content & timetable):
    • COGSCI 303 - Education & cognition.
    • COGSCI 306 - Visual perception.
    • COGSCI 307 - Auditory perception.
    • COGSCI 308 - Perception, action, attention.
    • COGSCI 310 - Action, decision, volition.