This class is (formally speaking) the second semester PhD-track. It is mandatory for PhD-track students, and can be chosen as an optional class for Professional track students.
The course is made of Lectures given by external speakers. Refer to the syllabus for more information about the practicalities.
24/09/2021. The behavioral economics of food behaviours (Fabrice Etilé)
- Teyssier, S., Etilé, F., & Combris, P. (2015). Social- and self-image concerns in fair-trade consumption. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 42(4), 579-606
- Muller, L., Lacroix, A., Lusk, J. L., & Ruffieux, B. (2017). Distributional impacts of fat taxes and thin subsidies. The Economic Journal, 127(604), 2066-2092.
- Crosetto, P., Lacroix, A., Muller, L., & Ruffieux, B. (2020). Nutritional and economic impact of five alternative front-of-pack nutritional labels: experimental evidence. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 47(2), 785-818.
- Cadario, R., & Chandon, P. (2020). Which healthy eating nudges work best? A meta-analysis of field experiments. Marketing Science, 39(3), 465-486.
08/10/2021. TBC (Mael Lebreton)
05/11/2021. Overcoming Social Dilemmas Through Self-Governance (Philip Schreck)
- Fehr, E., & Gächter, S. (2000). Cooperation and Punishment in Public Goods Experiments. The American Economic Review, 90(4), 980-994.
- Ostrom, E. (1998). A Behavioral Approach to the Rational Choice Theory of Collective Action: Presidential Address, 1997. The American Political Science Review, 92(1), 1-22.
26/11/2021. Strategic sophistication under the effect of substitutes vs. complements - guessing games and applications (Angela Sutan)
- Slides of the lecture.
- Hanaki, Sutan, Willinger (2016). The strategic environment effect in beauty contest games.
- Sutan, Willinger (2009). Guessing with negative feedback: An experiment.
28/01/2022. Behavioral welfare economics (Marc Fleurbaey)
- Slides of the lecture.
11/02/2022. Are behavioral biases stable? A Fast & Slow approach to context effects and food labels (Paolo Crosetto)
- Slides of the lecture.
11/03/2022. Experiments on Freedom and Preference over menus (Benoit Tarroux)
25/03/2022. TBA. (Anne-Laure Sellier)
08/04/2022. Games with belief-dependent motivations and social ties (Giuseppe Attanasi)
- Attanasi, G. and R. Nagel (2008). A Survey of Psychological Games: Theoretical Findings and Experimental Evidence. In A. Innocenti and P. Sbriglia (Eds.) Games, Rationality and Behavior. Essays on Behavioral Game Theory and Experiments, Palgrave McMillan, 204-232.
- Attanasi, G., Hopfensitz, A., Lorini, E. and F. Moisan (2016). Social Connectedness Improves Co-ordination on Individually Costly, Efficient Outcomes. European Economic Review, 90, 86-106.
Past events.
Language and economics : in what way decisions are influenced (or not) by psycholinguistic structures ? (Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde)
The external validity of Risk Elicitation (Paolo Crosetto)
- Slides of the lecture.
In situ political experimentation (Jean-François Laslier)
Variations on the preference over choice sets (Fabrice Le Lec)
Neuroeconomics of money emergence (Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde)
Strategic sophistication under the effect of substitutes vs. complements - guessing games and applications (Angela Sutan)
- Slides of the lecture.
- Hanaki, Sutan, Willinger (2016). The strategic environment effect in beauty contest games.
- Sutan, Willinger (2009). Guessing with negative feedback: An experiment.
Bounded rationality (Phillipe Jéhiel)
Measuring individual preferences in health: the potential for behavioural/experimental economics (Lise Rochaix)
Response times in lab experiments (Michal Krawczyk)
Measures Confused consumers anf firm market strategies (Paolo Crosetto)
- Slides of the lecture.
P. Crosetto, A. Gaudeul (2017). Choosing not to compete: Can firms maintain high prices by confusing consumers?
Journal of Economics Management and Strategy.
P. Crosetto and A. Gaudeul (2016). A Monetary Measure of the Strength and Robustness of the Attraction Effect Economics
Letters, Volume 149, December 2016, Pages 38–43.
Pete Lunn's and coauthor Surplus Identification Task:
Behavioral economics of traffic congestion (Laurent Denant-Boemont)
- Slides of the lecture.
Behavioral labour economics (Marie-Claire Villeval)
Experimental analyses of asset markets (Nobuyuki Hanaki)
- Akiyama, Hanaki, Ishikawa (2017) "It is not just confusion! Strategic uncertainty in an experimental asset market” Economic Journal.
- Hanaki, Akiyama, Funaki, Ishikawa (2017) "Diversity in cognitive ability and mispricing in experimental asset markets” Working Paper.
- Penalver, Hanaki, Akiyama, Funaki, Ishikawa (2017) "A Quantitative Easing experiment” Working Paper.
Behavioral law and economics (Geneviève Helleringer)
Decision, risk and health: some insights from lab experiments (Olivier l'Haridon)
Behavioral economics: prospects for an application to health (Lise Rochaix)
- Slides of the lecture.
Background risk and social preferences (Marc Willinger)
A survey of strategic voting -- Election results, polls and experiments (André Blais)
The value, validity and reliability of cognitive and non cognitive skills measures in rural household surveys (Karen Marcours)
- Marcours & Vakis (2014). Changing Households’ Investment Behavior through Social Interactions with Local Leaders: Evidence from a randomized transfer program, EJ.
- World Development Report 2015: Mind, Society, and Behavior : overview.
- Cunha, F. and J.J. Heckman (2010). Investing in our Young People. NBER WP.
- Borghans, L., A. L. Duckworth, J.J. Heckman, and B. ter Weel, (2008). The Economics and Psychology of Personality Traits. JHR.
Other-regarding preferences (Birendra Rai).
- Reading list: Cooper & Kagel (2013). Other-Regarding Preferences: A Selective Survey of Experimental Results.